Digital Transformation Keynote Speaker
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – How markets will change radically
Meetings and conferences on innovation and digitisation
Target Groups
Board of directors and management executives, employees from marketing and sales, Business Development and Innovation, Production and Administration.
Digital Disruption – The keynote speech of Germany’s leading keynote speaker for digitalization and innovation
You think the digitalization of the economy is finished? No, it just started. And it’ going to revolutionize everything you know. It will radically change your job and your life. In the thrilling keynote speech by Europe’s Top Keynote Speaker for Digitization and Innovation you will learn how to prepare yourself and your business for the next stage of innovation.
Fitness apps, 3D printers and online chats with your doctor – that was just the first step: digital transformation. What we have to expect in the next stage is digital disruption. It will fundamentally transform entire industries. It will substitute human competencies by algorithms. A development that cannot be stopped.
All this seems far away and abstract? Then you should listen to this stunning keynote speech! As a keynote speaker on digitalization, Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer uses seven simple principles to show you how the next stage of digitalization is becoming reality.
Is that supposed to frighten you? No. Because the digital future is not only being created in Silicon Valley. You and your company can be a part of it. If you understand the mechanisms of digital disruption and embrace the logic of digital disruption, you will shape that future.

„Great! Great speech, exciting impulses, thrilling! Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer inspired the participants at InnoCON Thuringia 2018, Thuringia’s leading innovation policy event“
Keynotes on Digital Transformation
In 2019 and 2020, Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer inspired audiences from companies such as Lufthansa Systems, Deutsche Post IT, Siemens and Uniper. He has been invited as a keynote speaker on digital transformation to more than 200 cities, including Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. He is also internationally recognized as a speaker on digital transformation. He has given talks in Rotterdam, Seoul, Napa (California), Zurich and Zagreb. He was invited as a guest speaker at the TED Talk in Nicosia / Cyprus.
International References
Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer: Keynote Speaker digital transformation
„I would like to thank you again for your great keynote at our event. The feedback was awesome!“
Keynote Speaker Digital Transformation: This is Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer
Dr. Jens-Uwe Meyer is Europe’s leading keynote speaker on digital transformation and innovation. He is author of 13 books and managing director of Innolytics AG. He develops management systems software for innovation, knowledge management and quality management.
He began his career as a police officer in Hamburg, where he worked at the Davidwache and in drug investigation. In 1992, he moved to the US radio station Voice of America as a US correspondent, where he closely analyzed the presidential election campaign. As senior correspondent of Germany’s Pro Sieben TV network he reported from more than 25 countries between 1996 and 2001. He has been a top management consultant and Internet entrepreneur since 2006. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the innovative capacity of companies.
His keynote speeches on digital transformation are stirring, refreshing and provocative. He manages to get his audience excited about digital transformation and innovation.